Our higher aspects have now agreed to work together and are already beginning to do that in preparation for our meeting.
Pay attention to any synchronicities that you may see between now and our session 👀
👉 Watch your inbox for a separate email containing the link you will use to attend your upcoming Quantum Connect session.
If you need to reschedule for any reason that is perfectly fine. 24+ hours notice when possible is appreciated.
Bookmark this page if you would like to return to it again before your session.
I look forward to working with you!
~ Jennifer
Pay attention to any synchronicities that you may see between now and our session 👀
👉 Watch your inbox for a separate email containing the link you will use to attend your upcoming Quantum Connect session.
If you need to reschedule for any reason that is perfectly fine. 24+ hours notice when possible is appreciated.
Bookmark this page if you would like to return to it again before your session.
I look forward to working with you!
~ Jennifer