Jennifer Lee#StayCurious
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Your secret superpower11/28/2023 I'm sure you know the saying, "mind over matter" It turns out that this phrase might hold more truth than was realized. The placebo effect, which is the difference that our thoughts and emotions have upon physical health outcomes, can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. In fact, studies show that our thoughts and emotions can influence physical health outcomes up to 50% of the time. Our thoughts and emotions are incredibly powerful! They can influence everything from our physical health to our relationships and our overall happiness. But sometimes, it can be easy to feel like the world is out of our control. The constant barrage of news, politics, and other stressors can leave us feeling helpless and powerless. But here's the thing: we are more powerful than we realize. The fear, stress, and emotional turmoil that we experience on a daily basis can have a significant impact on our overall well-being and the decisions we make. But we also have the power to change that. By taking control of our thoughts and emotions, we can overcome these stressors and take charge of our lives. So, what's your secret superpower? It's your ability to control your thoughts and emotions, to harness the power of the placebo effect, and to take control of your own well-being. It might not be as flashy as super strength or telekinesis, but it's a power that's readily available to all of us right now.
So, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed by the news, politics, or any other stressor, remember that you absolutely have the power to overcome it. Take a moment to breathe, center yourself, and focus on positive thoughts and emotions. By doing so, you might just find that you're able to overcome whatever challenges come your way. Remember, mind over matter. #StayCurious
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Other people's stuff12/6/2022 Have you ever found yourself feeling hurt, angry or frustrated by someone else's reaction to you? It's easy to take other people's reactions personally and to assume they are a reflection of who we are as a person. However, the truth is that other people's reactions are often more about them and their own unresolved trauma than they are about us. It's also not our job to try and create an emotionally safe environment for others at our own expense. For example, holding back what you want to say because of the response you anticipate.
Our early experiences form the foundation of our identity and shape how we see ourselves and the world around us. Our thoughts about our experiences generate emotions within us, which inspire our actions and give us our results in our lives. Since other people's reactions are always based on their own experiences, beliefs, and emotions, which we can't change, learning to accept other people's reactions as they are can be helpful to our own emotional wellbeing. It's natural to want to defend ourselves and to try to persuade the other person to see things our way. However, this often just leads to more conflict and can leave us feeling frustrated and drained. Getting to a place where you can allow others to have their reactions and opinions without trying to make them wrong, takes a burden off of you to feel like you need to get the other person to see it 'your way'. If you've been on an awakening journey you've likely been looking at your own beliefs and behaviors to learn what is no longer serving you. It's challenging to question these beliefs, even when we can see that they no longer serve our highest expression. Our early conditioning is so deeply ingrained that it takes persistent conscious attention to change it. Taking the time to explore and process our experiences in a healthy way gives us the space to develop a new understanding of ourselves and the world around us. So, what can we do when faced with someone else's negative reaction? Emotionally detach from the situation and remember that the other person's reaction is about them, not about you. It's an important step in taking care of ourselves and avoiding getting caught up in unnecessary drama. Depending on the situation, you might want to share your perspective with the other person about their reaction. This can be a difficult topic to talk about, but it can be a helpful way to gain a better understanding of where the other person is coming from. In conclusion, it's important to remember that other people's reactions are about them and their own experiences and traumas, and we simply can't control them. For those who are interested in learning how to stop reacting based on past experiences (because what happened in the past does not actually determine what will happen in the future) this can be done through self reflection and observation. How you show up in the world is a choice! #StayCurious
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Unlock the power of the subconscious7/13/2022 Have you ever stopped to consider the incredible power of your subconscious mind? It plays a significant role in shaping your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Your subconscious mind is responsible for automatic thoughts, habits, and emotional reactions, and has a profound influence on the way you perceive and interpret the world around you. According to some theories, your subconscious mind is also the source of your creativity and intuition, and can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement. By gaining access to and understanding the workings of your subconscious mind, you can learn to overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors and unlock your full potential. In this blog post, we'll explore some techniques that are commonly used to tap into the power of the subconscious mind. Your experiences, beliefs, and values also play a crucial role in shaping your subconscious mind. As you go through life, your subconscious mind is constantly processing and storing the information you encounter. Positive experiences can be stored as positive memories, while negative experiences can be stored as negative memories. Over time, these memories and associations can shape your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. One of the most popular techniques for accessing the power of your subconscious mind is meditation. Meditation allows you to quiet your conscious mind and enter a state of deep relaxation, which can help you to access that deeper part of yourself. During meditation, you can focus on positive affirmations or visualize meeting your goals, which can help to reprogram your subconscious mind for success. Hypnosis is another powerful technique for accessing your subconscious mind. During hypnosis, a trained professional can guide you into a deep state of relaxation. This state is also known to produce theta brain waves. This is the state that clients are in during Beyond Quantum Healing Sessions. It's important to note that your mental and emotional state is not solely determined by your experiences and environment. While these factors can have a profound influence on your well-being, you have the ability to learn and grow, and to develop new thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that can help you overcome the challenges of your past. One effective way to become aware of any beliefs that may be preventing you from attaining your goals is to engage in regular self-reflection and self-examination. By taking time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you can gain insight into the beliefs and assumptions that underlie your actions and decisions. Seeking feedback from others and seeking out the guidance and support of a therapist, coach, or mentor can also be helpful. In conclusion, your subconscious mind is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement. By tapping into its power, you can overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors and unlock your full potential. Whether you use meditation, visualization, hypnosis, or other techniques, the key is to become aware of your beliefs and to develop more supportive and empowering ways of thinking. By doing so, you can achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life. #StayCurious
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Keeping you powerless3/11/2022 I've never understood the attraction of willingly giving over the direction of your life to another person or group. I've been talking about this topic of empowerment for a while. Working with pet owners through the years I found it challenging to see how quickly their decision making would be handed over to a veterinarian, ignoring their own ideas about what might be best for their pet. There is a similar dynamic in the human health arena. Feeling powerless, leads to a high level of uncertainty and fear about life and it also leads to looking outside of one's self for guidance on how to live one's life. When you are dis-empowered there is a lack of confidence and the feeling of having little control over life. Whereas empowered people actively seek the information and resources they need to make a decision or take action that they feel is in their best interest. When good decisions result in good outcomes, this creates an inner confidence that then leads each person to be the authority on what is best for them. One of the downfalls of being disempowered is that one becomes very vulnerable to deliberate manipulation of their choices in life. They are easily influenced in what to think and what to do. Do you see any of that type of manipulation and influence going on in the world these days? When acting from a place of uncertainty and fear there is an illusion that we have no choice, which disempowers us further. This fear energy is manipulative and controlling, and much of the population has become totally accustomed to being in it. To everyone that has been sucked into the drama of world events: Realize that the entire purpose of all the drama we call 'news' is to keep you in a particular emotional state because it keeps you weak; unable to rise out of your slavery.
By paying attention and getting caught up in what this politician does or what that politician says and getting angry, getting jaded, getting frustrated - this is you giving your power away. You are allowing these people and events to control your emotional state and therefore to inform your reality. Our thoughts create our feeling, our feelings create our actions and our actions determine our results. So what type of thoughts do you choose to cultivate? Things you may see as causing harm, being unjust or even inhumane - it's all conveniently there to focus on IF YOU CHOOSE TO. But ask yourself does focusing on these things provide you with any benefit? Would there be any real detriment to turning off the news? Does putting all that negativity into your awareness do anything good for you? If the answer is no, then I ask - why do you do it??? #StayCurious
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How words shape our reality2/25/2022 Words matter. Words stimulate us emotionally and or mentally which then moves us into action. How you say things, influence's other peoples reactions to what you are saying. John has arthritis. John has a stiff knee. Two different statements. Both of which could simultaneously be true. Yet, they likely conjure up different thoughts. The word 'arthritis' means having a condition that is chronic. When we think of arthritis we think of a permanent condition that will cause pain and possibly reduced range of motion or limitations on mobility. When you hear that someone has a "stiff knee" on the other hand - this does not tend to conjure up thoughts of a long lasting condition. Words matter. Labels are like words on steroids. Labels communicate entire stories in an instant. Yet at the same time labels are very limiting because they associate one word with a certain set of parameters. When we use labels we can get caught in the trap of buying into a story. What happens when someone is diagnosed with a particular medical condition? Typically they first want to learn about the condition right? They want to know what to expect so they can prepare for it and plan how to manage it. So a person will read about the condition because they have accepted that they in fact have the condition (because the Dr. told them so) and they accept that they could experience a range of symptoms associated with the condition (even though maybe they only have one symptom currently). They are buying into the diagnosis, they are accepting it as their truth and they may begin to change their behaviour in order to prepare for how their condition might worsen. Perhaps they have an expectation that their condition will worsen. This is often influenced by what the Dr. says. Our minds and bodies are miraculous. We can actually heal ourselves with thought alone and it's not even that unusual or special. Can you imagine if you went for surgery to repair arthritis in your knee and later, after you had completely recovered and no longer had any symptoms you discovered that the procedure wasn't completed and the only thing that was done was an incision to make it appear like the surgery had been performed? You don't have to imagine, because this is exactly what happened in a study back in 2002. This is the placebo effect in action. Words influence thoughts. Thoughts create emotions. Emotional states lead us to perform certain actions. Actions create results and outcomes in our lives. Use words consciously and deliberately and you will master your results by default. #StayCurious |